Monday 9 May 2016

Muslim leader calls for Media Responsibility in fight against Extremism

On 19 March 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa(Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at the 13th National Peace Symposium hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.

The event was held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London with an audience of more than 900 people, from 26 countries, including over 500 non-Ahmadi guests comprising Government Ministers, Ambassadors of State, Members of both Houses of Parliament and various other dignitaries and guests.

His Holiness also presented Ms Hadeel Qassim, with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace in recognition of her outstanding efforts to personally alleviate the suffering of thousands of refugee children stranded in dangerous and inhospitable camps in the Middle East.

During his address, His Holiness spoke of the fundamental need for justice and equity at all levels of society in order for genuine and long-lasting peace to be established.

He called on the media to use its influence

“as a force for good and a force for peace”

by publicising the positive activities of the majority of Muslims across the world as opposed to the

“tiny minority”

who were perpetrating mass cruelties falsely in the name of Islam.
His Holiness also stated that there was no punishment for apostasy in Islam and that the Holy Quran was the standard-bearer for universal religious freedom. His Holiness reiterated the need to cut the supply lines and funding of all terrorist and extremist groups worldwide.

During a press conference held prior to the Peace Symposium, His Holiness expressed his view that the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Union. He expressed his hope that the ‘Remain’ campaign would prove successful and that there would be no ‘Brexit’ from the European Union.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad began his keynote address by reflecting upon the fact that modern day terrorism and extremism had caused a fear of Islam to spread far and wide.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“This event is taking place at a time when widespread fear of Islam is on the increase due to the horrific and disgraceful acts of terrorist groups such as Daesh. For example, last November, the world watched in horror when the terrorist attacks took place in Paris, and apart from this there have been suicide bombings and attacks in various countries at regular intervals.”

Nonetheless, His Holiness made it clear that true Islam was a religion of peace and that the brutal acts being committed by certain so-called Muslim groups were not permitted or justified by Islam in any way.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“In the very first chapter of the Holy Quran, it is stated that Allah the Almighty is the ‘Provider and Sustainer of all the worlds’. He is the Gracious and Ever Merciful. Thus, when Allah the Almighty is the Provider and Sustainer of all people and the Gracious and Merciful – how could it be that He desired for those who believed in Him to mercilessly murder, violently oppose or harm His Creation in any way? Of course the answer is that it is not possible.”

Src via = khalifaofislam

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