Tuesday 17 May 2016

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community inaugurates new Mosque in Sweden

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Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community inaugurates Mahmood Mosque in Malmo

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is pleased to announce that on 13 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad inaugurated the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden. It is the second Mosque built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the country.

After unveiling a commemorative plaque His Holiness proceeded to deliver his weekly Friday Sermon, which was broadcast live around the world on MTA International.

During his sermon, His Holiness emphasised the need for Ahmadi Muslims to fulfill the true peaceful purposes of the Mosque, while also praising the exceptional sacrifices made by members of the community.

Speaking about the objectives of Mosques, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We, Ahmadi Muslims, do not build Mosques for any materialistic gain, rather we build them solely for the worship of God and to attain His rewards. Having built this beautiful Mosque, we must not assume that we have fulfilled our obligations because in reality our duties have only just begun. We must seek to fill and populate this Mosque.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“Now that this Mosque has opened you must increase your love for one another and set shining examples of Islam’s true and peaceful teachings. Remember, that the real beauty of this Mosque lies not in its structure or design, rather it lies in the spiritual beauty of your hearts and conduct.”

The Khalifa recounted a number of examples of personal financial sacrifices made by local Ahmadi Muslims towards funding the Mahmood Mosque. Men, women and children all took part in this effort.

For example, one man sold his car, whilst some ladies donated jewellery and young children offered their pocket money. His Holiness said that all such sacrifices were made in order to gain the pleasure of God Almighty.

Regarding the location of the Mosque, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Sometimes journalists ask me why we have chosen a certain location or city for a Mosque. The truth is that neither does Malmo hold any particular significance, nor does any other location. Our only motivation is to build Mosques wherever there are Ahmadi Muslims so that they can join together to worship God Almighty.”

The Khalifa said that it was the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to invite people towards the Oneness of God and to dispel false notions about Islam.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“You must remove the fears and misunderstandings that the local people may harbour about Islam and explain to them its true peaceful teachings. The Government and people of this nation have let you build this Mosque and so in return for this favour you must always show them sympathy and seek to bring them closer to their Creator.”

Speaking about the state of the world and reminding the local Ahmadi Muslims of their responsibilities, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“It is a source of deep regret that today the most discord and conflict is found amongst Muslims. Therefore it is the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to become living examples of the peaceful teachings of Islam and to spread its true and beautiful message far and wide.”  

Src VIA = khalifaofislam

Everyone has the right to propagate their faith but only through peaceful means – Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad makes remarks during interview with Skansa Dagbladet newspaper in Sweden

On 11 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was interviewed by the Skansa Dagbladet newspaper at the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden.

Upon being asked about the rise of terrorism and youth radicalisation, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“I have been warning for a long time that Governments should take firm measures to root out terrorism and extremism. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community considers all forms of extremism to be completely against the teachings of Islam. The truth is that Islam is a religion of love and peace.”

Speaking about the concept of Jihad, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Of course, everyone has the right to propagate their faith but only through peaceful means. The use of the sword and force cannot be justified in this era and is completely against the teachings of Islam. The Holy Quran clearly states that there should be no compulsion in matters of religion.”

Asked if he could travel to Pakistan, His Holiness said that it would not be possible for him to conduct his duties in Pakistan because Ahmadi Muslims have been declared non-Muslim in Pakistan and are not permitted to practice their faith with any freedom.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“If I visit Pakistan what will I do? Each week Ahmadi Muslims from all around the world listen to my weekly sermon but in Pakistan I would not be permitted to deliver it. In Pakistan, I am not permitted by law to even call myself a Muslim or to lead prayers or to preach our message of Islam.”

Src Via = khalifaofislam

Reception held to mark inauguration of Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers keynote address

On 14 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at a special reception held to mark the inauguration of the Mahmood Mosque (Mosque of the Praiseworthy) in Malmo, Sweden.

The Mosque, which is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s second Mosque in Sweden, was officially opened a day earlier when His Holiness delivered his weekly Friday Sermon.

Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo’s City Council Chairman attended the lunchtime reception.

During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke in detail about the true purposes of a Mosque; he condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and spoke about the humanitarian work being conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in various parts of the world.

Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any place in Islam. The Quran is very clear that Mosques built with ill-intent should be knocked down.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“Some of the extremist Muslim groups have now also penetrated Europe and their members are living in these countries and posing a grave threat to the peace and well-being of this Continent. What they are doing has nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam and so all of us who desire peace must stand up and unite against these dark forces that seek to divide mankind.”

In contrast, His Holiness said that Mosques built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were true ‘Houses of Peace’ in which people gathered together to worship God Almighty.

Referring to the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“It is quite natural to fear the unknown and so the neighbours may well be concerned that the peace and security of their hometown may be disturbed now that this Mosque has been opened. However, based on the Islam that I know and follow, let me reassure you that this Mosque will prove itself to be a fountain of peace, from which only everlasting springs of love and compassion will gush forth.”

azrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“A basic purpose of a Mosque is to serve as a place for Muslims to offer their prayers and in Arabic the word for prayer is ‘As-Salat’ which in essence means ‘compassion, love and mercy’. Consequently, a Muslim who offers his prayers with sincerity is a person who is kind, caring and merciful and he or she is a person who strives to stay away from immorality, illegal activity and all forms of evil.”

His Holiness said that Ahmadi Muslims were committed to building Mosques throughout the world and that wherever they were built they were soon welcomed by the wider society.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We have built thousands of Mosques globally and we have always seen that the fears of the local people soon eradicate when they get to know us and they come to value, appreciate and welcome us as an integral part of the society. Any initial fears quickly dissipate and instead our neighbours come to cherish our presence and the message of peace that reverberates in all directions from our Mosques.”

The Khalifa also mentioned how the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was providing a range of humanitarian services, including healthcare and education to people living in the most deprived parts of the world.

His Holiness said that all such services were provided irrespective of a person’s faith or background and also informed that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was engaged in projects aimed at providing running water to people living in destitution and poverty.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Living here in the West, where our water taps and showers are constantly flowing, it is incredibly difficult to comprehend the true value of water. It is only when you visit the most isolated parts of Africa and you see with your own eyes young children walking many kilometres each day in order to fill water basins, which they then balance on their heads and bring home, that you realise just what a precious commodity water really is.”

Regarding the teachings of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We Ahmadi Muslims believe our Founder to be the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi. Brandishing only a spiritual torch, he shined an eternal light upon Islam’s glorious and everlasting teachings.”

Concluding, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We must make every effort to engender peace, so that we do not bequeath upon our children the gift of a broken and tormented world. Rather, we must ensure that we leave behind a legacy of a peaceful and prosperous world for our future generations to live in.”

Earlier, a range of dignitaries also addressed the audience, including a welcome address by the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Sweden, Mr Mamoon-ur-Rashid.

Chairman City Council Malmo, Kent Andersson said:

“Today is a historic day with the opening of the Mahmood Mosque here in Malmo.”

Professor Catarina Kinnvall, Lund University said:

“Your message is of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ which is the message of Ahmadiyyat is a message that you stand for in the defence of education, equality, tolerance, secular laws and religious freedom.”

The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad and later His Holiness personally met with the non-Ahmadi guests.

Src Via = khalifaofislam

True Integration is to love the country in which you live – Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad interviewed by Sweden’s Sveriges Television

On 11 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was interviewed by Sveriges Television (Swedish TV) at the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden.

During the interview, His Holiness was asked about the newly built Mahmood Mosque, the integration of immigrants and the rise of terrorism and youth radicalisation.

Upon being asked why the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had built a Mosque in Malmo, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“The Holy Quran says that human beings should worship their Creator and so we have built this Mosque to bring people together to worship Allah the Almighty. Ahmadi Muslims will enter this Mosque five times a day to worship and will offer the weekly Friday prayers here.”

Speaking about the Mosque itself, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“This Mosque is extremely beautiful and I hope that the local Swedish people will also consider it to be a positive addition to their environment.”

His Holiness was asked about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s well-known slogan ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’.

In response, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Love for All, Hatred for None is actually the basis of the Quran’s teachings because Islam means peace and love for all of mankind. Thus, we do not consider anyone to be our enemy and nor do we desire harm to any person.”

Regarding the activities of terrorist groups such as Daesh, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Anyone who preaches or propagates any form of extremism acts completely against the true teachings of Islam and is to be condemned. We Ahmadi Muslims, are peace loving and so no Ahmadi Muslim has any desire to join extremist groups. We teach our children from childhood that to be peaceful is an essential part of their faith.”

Regarding the issue of integration of immigrants into Western society, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“For me, true integration is to love the country in which you live and to be completely loyal to it. Thus, all immigrants should be loyal to their adopted nation, they should truly love it, they should honour it, they should be law abiding and work for its prosperity and progress. This is integration.”

Asked if Ahmadi Muslims were particularly threatened in Europe, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Due to the threat of Daesh and other terrorist groups, all people are at risk and there is a general threat to peace. However, there are also some who particularly seek to cause harm to Ahmadi Muslims and so we have to remain vigilant.”

Src Via = khalifaofislam

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Perspective: Ahmadi Muslim Persecution | Robina Ahmad

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A Glasgow shopkeeper is murdered by an extremist who accused him of “insulting the Prophet and disrespecting Islam.”  Tanveer Ahmed is now under custody for the attack after openly admitting to the murder of 40 year old shopkeeper Asad Shah and releasing a statement to the press for the purpose of his crime saying, “This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions. Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr. Shah claimed to be a prophet.”

What was the crime, you ask?  A single tweet Asad Shah had sent on a Friday wishing all of his fellow Christian friends a Happy Easter.  The full tweet said, “Good Friday and a very Happy Easter, especially to my beloved Christian nation.”

Asad Shah was a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that is a fast-growing restoration society of the religion of Islam founded in 1889.  It is the only Islamic organization to believe in the metaphorical second coming of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah in the form of a man named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.  The Ahmadiyya Community is taught to unconditionally reject all forms of terrorism and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had declared a century ago that the “jihad of the sword” has no place in Islam.  In other words, the use of a weapon and forcing a religion on someone who has no desire of it is not Islam but is terrorism and actions of an extremist.  Instead, the “jihad of the pen” is put in its place which means to defend Islam through education, communication, and raising awareness and love of all religions with one another through peace and unity.

Due to this sect of Islam being the only one to believe in the coming of a Messiah, it has been shunned away by other Islamic groups who have labeled them as ‘wajib-ul-qatl’ – infidels deserving of death infidels and non-Muslim. This has led to many fatal attacks on Ahmadi communities – sometimes better known as “honor killings.” Even dead relatives are never left alone in their graves the moment their laid to rest; their tombstones are always discovered destroyed and vandalized.

The death of Mr. Asad Shah had raised much attention from the communities of different faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Sikh’s in Glasgow along with his own whom have raised a two-week campaign in Glasgow – “United Against Extremism.”  They have all joined in to raise awareness of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community along with their motto, “Love for All, Hatred for None.”

It is true there has been a huge amount of support and love by the community and from people around the country, yet it does not help with the problem of another certain hate group who intervened on an even worse note the murder of Ahmadi Asad Shah.  A headline claimed hate-preachers praising Asad Shah’s murderer for, “sending a blasphemer to hell.”  Rather than paying tribute to the murdered, they praise the killer instead and set up a Facebook page in paying a tribute to Tanveer Ahmed for “protecting” (as they like to call it) the honor of Islam.  The Facebook page also showed a side-by-side picture of Asad Shah with a red X marked on his photo and “ASAD KAZZAB” on the bottom.  Kazzab is an Arabic word for liar.  On the left is a picture of Tanveer Ahmed with Arabic words written over-praising his actions and praying for this so called hero with his name written as “GHAZI TANVEER ATTARI.”  This is translated to a “Muslim-fighter and medicine.”  In other words, he is referred to as a cure to humanity, truly a sad state of mind.

Extremists only value what they believe in and will condemn and oppress anyone to think otherwise.  Attacking a community believing in a peaceful ‘jihad’ should be least concerning than the group of ISIS who are beheading and raping their own fellow Muslims in the defense of Islam, not sure where this is taught in Muslim scripture?!

When it comes to the utter mindlessness of extremist groups like these, it should most definitely be taken as a serious case – but, the difference lies in how we react and channel our emotional reactions. They should be channeled into raising awareness the correct way, not beating drums of hate and retaliation. The word and religion of Islam, or any religion at all should never be taken into account when extremism is defacing the word of humanity.

Src Via = fitchburgpoint

Perspective: Islamophobia Is No Joke | Zahid Mian

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Did you hear about the Mexican who was arrested for saying “hasta la vista”? Apparently someone nearby thought he was an illegal alien robot come to destroy the American dream. What

about the Italian man arrested for mob-like activity when he was buying a car and uttered “I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Or the Arab who was kicked off a plane because he spoke in his native language? Apparently a passenger and crew caught on to his terrorist-like activity when he spoke Arabic. Of course, all but the last incident are false, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a joke, stereotypes are real.

Indeed, when was recently removed from a Southwest flight for arousing suspicion by speaking Arabic, it highlights this heightened fear of Arabs and by extension, Muslims. Officially, Southwest maintains that he was removed because of the content of his conversation, not that he was speaking Arabic. Right, because terrorists always speak in public about their nefarious plans of world destruction. As if there is this deep yearning to start a monologue before committing the crime, like a villain from a Pixar animation for children.

And what exactly did he say that was so disturbing? It was his use of the phrase “InshAllah” or “God willing”, an expression Muslims use without even thinking about it. The expression “God Willing” is used in the Bible (James 4:14-15) in exactly the same context as in the Quran (18:24)—both passages reflect the fact that without God’s help man cannot achieve his task. Jews use the expression “im yirtzeh ha-shem”, meaning, you guessed it, if God wills it. Southwest better be ready if I complain about anyone using such expressions because, you know, it’s about the content.

Despite such distasteful stereotyping critics will argue that Muslims enjoy a much better life here in America than they would in other Muslim countries. No argument there, but is that really the standard we want to adopt? When Malaysia successfully passed a law banning non-Muslims from using the word Allah for God, it was a prime example of politicians gaining favour with hard-line clerics to gain votes. When Pakistan passed a law preventing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community from saying Islamic phrases like Assalamo Alakum (peace be upon you) it was yet another example of Muslim leadership currying favour with the far right. Is that really what we want to do in this country?

Now, to be fair, examples like this are rare but what is worrisome is that even in this age of political correctness they are on the rise. Being profiled as a terrorist because you dress a certain way (think Juan Williams’ rant about Muslim garb) or say phrases in a certain language (inshAllah, alhamdolillah, etc) or cover your head like the mother of Jesus did should be cause for shame and deep reflection for all citizens. Instead politicians and pathological media personalities have not only condoned such behaviour, but encouraged it. InshAllah, I look forward to the day when American Muslims will mock newcomers to this land. Because, you know, that’s the sign of acceptance. And that’s no joke.

Src Via = patheos

Perspective: Muslims care too, you know | Alamzeb Khan

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Well, here's something you didn't hear on the news: "Muslim youth helping out flood victims." The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association partnered with Humanity First to conduct flood relief operations in Houston, collecting over $8,000 and distributing over 20,000 food items in the affected areas.

Volunteers whose own cars and residences had been damaged carpooled with others and decided to help out their community.

While such acts are droplets compared to the monetary damages caused by the recent floods, it's the spirit that counts. Service to humanity is a cornerstone of the Islamic faith.

Acts like these should be reported by the media since it helps strengthen community bonds. It makes people realize that not all Muslims are terrorists like the so-called ISIS in the Middle East.

Such acts ought to be made known to the fear-mongers who like to demonize the name of Islam and American Muslims.

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community arrives in Sweden

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad begins his second visit to Sweden

The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad arrived in Malmo, Sweden on 10th May 2016 after completing a 6-day visit to Denmark.

His Holiness travelled to Malmo by car and after crossing the border into Sweden was escorted to the newly built Mahmood Mosque, where he was greeted by the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Sweden, Mr Mamoon-ur-Rashid and hundreds of other Ahmadi Muslim men, women and children.

Later, His Holiness inspected the Mosque premises before leading the Maghreb and Isha prayers.

During his visit to Sweden, His Holiness will formally inaugurate the new Mosque with his weekly Friday Sermon and will also address receptions being held to mark his visit.

His Holiness will also meet various dignitaries and politicians, hold a number of media interviews, as well as personally meeting with Ahmadi Muslims living in Sweden.

Src Via = khalifaofislam

Ahmadi Muslims sympathetic to all of mankind” – Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad interviewed by Denmark’s Radio 24syv during final day of Denmark tour

On 10 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was interviewed by Denmark’s Radio 24syv (Radio 24Seven).

During the interview, which took place at the Nusrat Jahan Mosque in Copenhagen, His Holiness outlined the peaceful objectives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and explained the theological differences between Ahmadi Muslims and other sects of Islam.

Upon being asked about the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in certain countries, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Despite the opposition we face, each year hundreds of thousands of people are joining the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. This is Allah’s work otherwise we could not have achieved such success during our 127 year history and so we are also hopeful and optimistic for the future.”

Asked about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s well-known slogan of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Our slogan of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ is based on the teachings of Islam because the Holy Quran says that people should love and care for each other and respect one another. The Quran says that you should be just and fair even with those who oppose you. Thus, Ahmadi Muslims are sympathetic and compassionate towards all of mankind.”

His Holiness also spoke about the increasing instability in the world and reiterated the need for mankind to recognise their Creator and for people to fulfil the rights of each other.

Src = khalifaofislam

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Bangladesh: Jamaat-e Islami ameer Nizami hanged for war crimes

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Dhaka: Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami chief Matiur Rahman Nizami has been hanged inside the Dhaka Central Jail after he was found guilty of genocide by International Crimes Tribunal.

The Jamaat ameer was hanged at 12:01am on Wednesday.

Nizami, 73, was convicted of crimes including the killing of over 450 people alone in his own village at Santhia in Pabna during the War of Liberation in 1971.

He had refused to seek clemency from President Md Abdul Hamid after rejection of his review petition against his death sentence by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.

Nizami was the most senior figure in Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, an Islamist party.

Execution of the his death sentence was carried out by hanging a rope around his neck just after Tuesday midnight. After confirmation of death by the civil surgeon, the body of the convict was formally handed over to their family members for burial in his village home at Manmathpur in Pabna district.

Dhaka District Civil Surgeon Dr Abdul Malek Mridha was present inside the jail along with Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Salahuddin and senior other officials concerned during the execution of Nizami's death sentence.

Dhaka Central Jail Mosque Imam Monir Hossain read out 'tauba' to Nizami after he (Nizami) completed his bath and ablution.

Src = newsbangladesh

USA: Chino Imam offers prayers at City of Upland interfaith meeting

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The City of Upland arranged an interfaith meeting on Thursday May 5th for the purpose of observing the National Day of Prayer.​

​Imam Zafarullah of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community recited some Islamic prayers and explained the need for prayer in our lives regardless which religion one follows.

​Imam Zafarullah expressed the Islamic teachings of tolerance and our motto of " Love for all, hatred for none.

Additionally, ​Imam stressed that it is our Islamic teaching that we should be loyal and patriotic to our country and that it is the responsibility of all leaders- religious and secular - to espouse peace by being kind to one another, do good, be just in their dealings and have tolerance for each other's faiths and beliefs.

Imam​'s​ message was well received.

​Other presenters include Mike Ingram of the Upland Interfaith Council, Julius West, Chaplain of Upland Police Department, Brian Johnson , Chief, Upland Police Department and City Council Member Gino Filippi.

Prayers were also read by other Faith based leaders from various other religious groups.

Monday 9 May 2016

UK: Over 100 people attend Ahmadiyya Bangla Desk's Tabligh Forum in Liverpool

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Discussion held about the true teaching of Islam and the character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad

A Tabligh Forum (faith outreach) was successfully organised by the Bangla Department, Ahmadiyya Muslim Assocition UK (AMA-UK) in the Liverpool Ahmadiyya Mission House on Sunday, the 1st of May 2016.

Presided over by Dr Abdullah Zakaria, In-charge of Bangla Department, AMA-UK, the forum was started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Several dozen non Ahmadis attended the forum along with Ahmadis from the northern region of the country.

After the recitation of the Holy Quran, Dr Abdullah Zakaria delivered a speech on the introduction of the Ahmadiyyat.

A Key note speech on the topic ‘’Muhammad (saw) – Price of Peace’’ was delivered by Mawlana Feroj Alam, In-Charge, Central Bangla Desk. He emphasised the responsibilities of the Muslims to practice to true teachings of Islam so that it glorifies the beauty of Islam and raise the status of the founder of the faith – Muhammad (saw).

Regional Missionary Mr Malik Akram, Mawlana Mohammad Ahmad Khurshed and local president were also present in the programme. More than 100 attendees benefited from the discussion about the true teaching of Islam and the character of the Prophet Muhammad.

Interactive Q & A was organised at the end where guest speakers answered questions asked by the audience.

The programmed was concluded by the silent prayer led by Mawlana Malik Akram.

Germany Ahmadiyya Muslim Community donates Magnolia for planting as sign of friendship

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SOLMS NIEDERBIEL:  A tree is planted at the Niederbieler day care center as a sign of friendship and coexistance.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the sponsor of this stately magnolia, a so-called Amber. Invited to share planting were, beside the Solmser Mayor Frank Indian Thal and the City Council Chairman Dieter Hagner, also the magistrate members, KiTa -Leiterin Roswitha Dross steel and of the Ahmadiyya community Rafique Khawaja (Central), Shahird Cheema (responsible for Solms) and the Regional Chairman Rafi Khan.

Refugees as guests

Among the invited were some Pakistani refugees residing in Niederbiel who are supervised by the Protestant church. They were accompanied by Karl-Heinz Rühl, volunteer in the refugee district Niederbiel.

Src Via = mittelhessen

Ahmadiyya Jamaat provides assistance to fire victims

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The response was made by the district chief Alhaji Pierre Bah of Niani to Ahmadiyya Jamaat to address some of the pressing needs of the affected families.The food commodities included 34 bags of rice, oil, onion and sugar.

Speaking on the handing over of the food items, Chief Pierre Bah lauded the Jamaat for their humanitarian gesture, noting that the donated food items would contribute to supplement household food security and boost social status.

The presentation was held in Kass Wollof of Nyaga Bantang ward of CRR North.

He used the moment to remind communities in the district to be vigilant on the management of domestic fire.

District chief called on individuals and humanitarian organisations to come to the aid of the affected families, noting that the inferno has left the families with nothing.

Sambujang Bah, regional treasurer for the Jamaat in North Bank Region and Central River Region north, said the presentation of food commodities demonstrate the Jamaat’s commitment to support fellow Muslims as enshrined in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah. He assured of their support to the needy and humanity.

Babucarr Fofana, regional disaster management coordinator for Central River Region, applauded the Jamaat for their timely intervention to help the 34 families that are hard hit by recent domestic fire.

He said the support would complement the efforts of the Regional Disaster Management Committee in providing humanitarian relief assistance to disaster families.

Disaster coordination enjoins others to support the committee with food stuff, clothing and building materials to response to the needs of affected families.

Hifazat Ahmad Naved Ahmadiyya Area Missionary reiterated their commitment to serve humanity as stipulated in the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.

He stressed the needs for Muslims to renew their faith in God to improve the health and well-being of the society.

Fatou Gaggigo of Paloli Fula a family of six lost all her households materials and clothes and she therefore launched an appeal for support to enhance her social status.

She can be reach on 7717832.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Kebba Nyang of Mass Wollof thanked the donor for upholding to the teaching of Islam, noting that the food items would contribute and enhance their participation on construction and fixing of damage structures.

The beneficiary communities are Kass Wollof, Paloli fula, Nyaga Bantang, Sare Madou, Sare Nyaga and Ramatoulie.

Src Via = thepoint

Australia: Ahmaddiyya Muslim Community recognised by Clean Up founder Ian Kiernan

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Recognition: President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia, Imam Inamul Haq Kauser and Clean Up Australia Day founder Ian Kiernan.

One of the biggest contributors to Clean Up Australia Day, the Bait-ul Had Mosque in Marsden Park, was visited by its founder Ian Kiernan over the weekend.

On Saturday night, May 7, the mosque held a special dinner with Mr Kiernan, the chief executive of Clean Up Australia Day, Terrie-Ann Johnson, and Blacktown deputy mayor Jacqueline Donaldson.

It was hosted by the Ahmaddiyya Muslim Community Australia who have been part of the day for the past 25 years.

In his speech, Mr Kiernan said Australia was proud of the Ahmaddiya Muslim Community and its participation in clean-up work for over two decades.

The Ahmadi Muslims have donated over $3600 this year for Clean Up Australia Day and had one of the highest number of volunteers across the clean-up sites.

The Association registered 20 clean-up sites this year all over neighbourhoods with hundreds of young Muslim men, women and children participating in the event.

For the last few years, the association have topped both categories in ‘most volunteers’ and ‘top fundraising’.

Mr Kiernan presented a certificate of appreciation to the national president of the association, Imam Inamul Haq Kauser.

Mr Kiernan addressed dinner attendees, and said when he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Sydney University, he was pleasantly surprised that people were able to have more than one job or career – ‘how a builder could also be a doctor’.

Like other academics, Mr Kiernan said he wanted to create an equation or formula, and came up with “E = 1”.

The E stood for Earth, he said, and if we all placed Earth as a priority then all it inhabitants could prosper.

The 2016 event saw over 682,000 volunteers participate in the event across 7117 locations across the country.

“So long as we are prepared to get involved and get our hand dirty, Clean Up events will continue to make a difference,” Mr Kiernan said.

“Clean Up belongs to the people and I am delighted that they have made the annual event the largest community mobilization activity in the country, bringing friends, families, neighbours, team-mates and colleagues together.

”[It] is made possible by support from all sectors of the community.

“We should all be proud of our outstanding success.”

The Imam, Mr Kauser, said Clean Up Australia Day is a noble work and this initiative will always be part of national moral fabric.

He said he understood Islam advocates cleanliness and advocated caring for the land and personal properties.

While Clean Up day is an annual event, maintaining a clean environment should be carried out each day.

Src via = blacktownsun

Muslim leader calls for Media Responsibility in fight against Extremism

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On 19 March 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa(Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at the 13th National Peace Symposium hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.

The event was held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London with an audience of more than 900 people, from 26 countries, including over 500 non-Ahmadi guests comprising Government Ministers, Ambassadors of State, Members of both Houses of Parliament and various other dignitaries and guests.

His Holiness also presented Ms Hadeel Qassim, with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace in recognition of her outstanding efforts to personally alleviate the suffering of thousands of refugee children stranded in dangerous and inhospitable camps in the Middle East.

During his address, His Holiness spoke of the fundamental need for justice and equity at all levels of society in order for genuine and long-lasting peace to be established.

He called on the media to use its influence

“as a force for good and a force for peace”

by publicising the positive activities of the majority of Muslims across the world as opposed to the

“tiny minority”

who were perpetrating mass cruelties falsely in the name of Islam.
His Holiness also stated that there was no punishment for apostasy in Islam and that the Holy Quran was the standard-bearer for universal religious freedom. His Holiness reiterated the need to cut the supply lines and funding of all terrorist and extremist groups worldwide.

During a press conference held prior to the Peace Symposium, His Holiness expressed his view that the United Kingdom should remain part of the European Union. He expressed his hope that the ‘Remain’ campaign would prove successful and that there would be no ‘Brexit’ from the European Union.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad began his keynote address by reflecting upon the fact that modern day terrorism and extremism had caused a fear of Islam to spread far and wide.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“This event is taking place at a time when widespread fear of Islam is on the increase due to the horrific and disgraceful acts of terrorist groups such as Daesh. For example, last November, the world watched in horror when the terrorist attacks took place in Paris, and apart from this there have been suicide bombings and attacks in various countries at regular intervals.”

Nonetheless, His Holiness made it clear that true Islam was a religion of peace and that the brutal acts being committed by certain so-called Muslim groups were not permitted or justified by Islam in any way.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“In the very first chapter of the Holy Quran, it is stated that Allah the Almighty is the ‘Provider and Sustainer of all the worlds’. He is the Gracious and Ever Merciful. Thus, when Allah the Almighty is the Provider and Sustainer of all people and the Gracious and Merciful – how could it be that He desired for those who believed in Him to mercilessly murder, violently oppose or harm His Creation in any way? Of course the answer is that it is not possible.”

Src via = khalifaofislam

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community welcomed to Denmark by Mayor of Hvidovre

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During meeting, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad says establishing world peace is critical issue of our time

On 5 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was welcomed to Denmark by Hon. Helle Adelborg, Mayor of Hvidovre and Councillors Annette Sjobeck, Maria Durhuus, Kenneth Christensen and Kashif Ahmad.

During the 30minute meeting, which took place at the Nusrat Jahan Mosque in Copenhagen, the Mayor stated that it was

“a great honour and source of pride”

for Hvidovre to once again welcome His Holiness.

In response to a question about the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims, His Holiness explained that Ahmadi Muslims were facing persecution in certain Muslim countries, notably Pakistan, however, with the Grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was continuing to go from strength to strength.

During the meeting, His Holiness spoke about the need to

“unite in an effort to establish world peace”

and also addressed the issue of freedom of expression.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“I have always said that freedom of expression is extremely important, however there has to be a point where you draw the line because it is not right to use such speech that will offend and devastate the sentiments of others. We need to find the middle ground so that we can establish peace in the world.”

Elaborating, His Holiness referred to comments made last year by Pope Francis in which he said that his close confidant should expect to be ‘punched’ if he cursed the Pope’s mother.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“The Pope should be commended for trying to protect the sentiments and feelings of people and I believe that he is trying to follow the true teachings of Christianity.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad added:

“The Holy Quran teaches that there should be no compulsion in religion and that a person’s faith remains between an individual and God Almighty. If we stick to the principle of respecting one another we can establish peace.”

Src Via = khalifaofislam

Press Release Annual Report 2015

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Pakistan is increasingly descending into chaos and becoming a place where members of Ahmadiyya community are increasingly marginalized. It has become very difficult for Ahmadis to live and practice their faith in peace. There is an organised campaign underway to deprive the members of community of their basic rights, such as right to worship and work or take education.  The hate mongers seem to have an extensive support network and funding to publish hate material and organised conferences and events to spew hatred. There was a significant increase in hate propaganda against the community. The government agencies responsible for implementing the laws are being manipulated by opponents of the community. Instead of upholding the law, they continue to cave into the demands of extremists.

Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan published an annual report that compiles most of the persecution related incidents that occur during that calendar year 2015. This report is not the ultimate version as many incidents go unreported.

Pakistani Urdu press has an all-important role in giving the hate mongers a platform that has a wider reach. During 2015 Pakistani Urdu press continued to publish baseless and provocative news stories. The Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan also publishes a report in Urdu that gives a glimpse into this world of hate mongering and baseless propaganda. It also gives an idea how Urdu press continues to play an important role in instigating hatred against Ahmadis. It is not possible to compile all the hate filled news stories in a single report so this is just a highlight. The issue is deeper and wider amongst Urdu press.

Download Press Release in URDU

Src via = Persecution of Ahmadis

Australia: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Collects More Than $44,000 For Red Cross

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Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Australia have collected more than $44,000 for ‘Red Cross Calling Appeal’ 2016 during the month of March. The event was organized and coordinated by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Australia (AMYA). The figures came yesterday when the final collections were successfully submitted in Red Cross Australia’s bank account. National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia, Imam Inamul Haq Kauser thanked and praised the efforts of the volunteer involved. Following is a snapshot of the collections by each Australia State;

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Australia had set up 40 collection points all over Australia. These collection points include railway stations, shopping centres, airports, CBD areas and designated traffic signals. The Association has a long history of helping Red Cross Australia in organizing door-knock appeals and collecting blood donations.

Src = newsmaker

Toronto: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at marks 50 years in Canada

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The Canadian contingent of a Muslim sect which promotes peace and morality celebrated 50 years of being in this country on Sunday.

Thousands converged on Nathan Phillips Square to mark the 50th anniversary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada, an international Islamic revival movement founded on the belief that their messiah came in the form of its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Sunday’s event included speeches from Mayor John Tory and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

“This is our home, and this is the land we love,” Lal Khan Malik, national president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada, told the crowd.

Malik spoke of fundraising efforts to help those displaced by wildfires in northern Alberta.

Tory called Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada “a community committed to building Canada.”

Wynne remarked they have made “the community strong.”

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Canada launched a campaign late in 2014 to fight youth radicalization. That announcement came following the killing of two soldiers on Canadian soil by homegrown jihadists.


Src Via = torontosun