Thursday 30 November 2017

Rabwah girl gets top position in Pakistan’s spelling bee competition

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Girl from Rabwah scored big at the 13th annual Spelling Bee regional competition organized by Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper. The competition was held on October 28th at the Ali Institute of Education in Lahore.

Mikail Faisal Ejaz of Aitchison College Middle School, Lahore, Vaneeza Salman Mokal of Bloomfield Hall School, Lahore and Sania Ayala of Maryam Siddiqa Higher Secondary School, Rabwah got top positions in the age 9 to 11 age group.

As many as 1,000 schools from across the country participated in the competition — the event which is the largest of its kind was organized by Dawn Newspaper’s Education programme. The participants were divided into three age groups: 9 to 11, 12 to 14 and 15 to 17.

Rabwah students sweep top positions in nationwide annual exams

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Students from the small Pakistani town of Rabwah swept up top positions in the annual Secondary School (SSC) and Higher Secondary School (HSSC) exams. A ceremony was held on November 15th in Karachi where the top achievers were honored by Aga Khan University Examination Board, the accrediting body for the exams.

Girls outnumbered the boys across the board. In SSC exams Samreen Raja from Nusrat Jehan Academy (NJA) Girls High School scored second across Pakistan with 1029 marks. While five other students from Rabwah scored in the top 20.

6th Position  KAINAT AROOJ – Maryam Siddiqa Girls Higher Secondary School

8th Position  SAJEELAH LARAIB – Nusrat Jehan Academy Girls High School

9th position FARIHA ADIL – Nusrat Jehan Academy Girls High School

14th position MUHAMMAD USAMA KHAN – Nusrat Jehan Academy Boys School

15th position BILAL AHMAD KAMRAN – Nusrat Jehan Academy Boys School

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC)

In Higher Secondary School exams MUQADDAS ALVI of Nusrat Jehan College scored third with 1022 marks while four others made it to the board’s top 20 list.

10th position AREEHA ZOYA – Nusrat Jahan College

12th position HINA WAHEED – Nusrat Jahan College

14th position AMMARA HUDA – Nusrat Jahan College

17th position ALIZA MUSTAFA – Nusrat Jahan College

Director, AKU-EB, Dr Shehzad Jeeva added, “Regardless of whether you are a High Achiever or not, the fact that you have concluded your secondary education under a Board that emphasises fairness and transparency as part of its mandate is remarkable.”

Ahmadi leader increases security after death threats from Muslims

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The Pakistan-born leader of Ahmadi Muslims, who presently resides in London has increased his security after receiving death threats from other Muslims. The Times, a British daily newspaper reported that the Metropolitan police were investigating threats from British Muslims against the Ahmadi community and its leader.

His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad who is the spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has lived in self-imposed exile in Britain since 2003. The Evening Standard named him as the most influential Londoner after the Queen.

The Times reported that, due to the threats to his life, the community has added additional walk-through metal detectors, identity checks, and bag searches at its Mosques. The report claimed that majority of the threats came from social media and text messages, while some of the Ahmadi community’s mosques were also defaced with words such as Kafir (infidel).

Farooq Aftab, a spokesman for the Ahmadi community said that the community had introduced enhanced security measures across 50 prayer halls and mosques, which include western Europe’s largest Mosque, the Baitul Futuh mosque in south London. Aftab said the additional security measures were for the safety of the worshippers. He said while it was common for Ahmadis to be persecuted in countries such as Pakistan, such violent and divisive behavior should not be tolerated in Britain.

Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters, an interfaith organization, attacked the hypocrisy of Sunni Muslims who cry Islamophobia when a member of their community is targeted for their beliefs but happily harass and threaten Ahmadis for theirs.

“It is, frankly, sickening that some think they can openly harass, intimidate, vandalise and create a sense of fear within minority Muslim communities while shouting out about Islamophobia and the need to challenge it.”

Usama Hasan of Quilliam, an anti- extremism think tank, said:

“Muslims who demand religious freedom for themselves and for other oppressed Muslims around the world have to be consistent and allow religious freedom for other groups such as the Ahmadis,” 

Friday 24 November 2017

Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi Gustakh e Sahaba Hate Speech in Islamabad - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title: Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi Gustakh e Sahaba Hate Speech in Islamabad Detail : Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi Sit Dharna in Islamabad And Talk Very Hate Speech About Sahaba. Video Link : Facebook :

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Khadim Hussain Rizvi Hate Speech in Islamabad Dharna 2017 - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title : Khadim Hussain Rizvi Hate Speech in Islamabad Dharna 2017
Details : بریلوی مفتی جمال الدین بغداری کی نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور خلفائے راشدین اجمعین کی شان مبارک میں کھلی کھلی گستاخی
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Ahmadion Ko Muslim Kion Tasleem Nai Kia Jata - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title : Ahmadion Ko Muslim Kion Tasleem Nai Kia Jata
Detail : Hazrat Mirza tahir Ahmad Answer Why Muslim Ask Ahmadi Are Non Muslim .
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Ahmadion Ka Quran, Islam Aur Rozay Muslamanon Say Mukhtalif - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title : Ahmadion Ka Quran, Islam Aur Rozay Muslamanon Say Mukhtalif
Detail : Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Answer What is Deference Ahmadiyya Quran , Islam And Fasting .
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Ahmadi Pakistan Say Europe Kion Aye - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title : Ahmadi Pakistan Say Europe Kion Aye
Detail : Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Answer Why Ahmadi Come in London .
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Ahmadiyya Community Believe in Khatm E Nabuwat - Ahmadiyya Times

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Title : Ahmadiyya Community Believe in Khatm E Nabuwat
Detail : Ahmadi Maslak K Mutabiq Nabuwat Ka Darwaza Khula Hay Kia Aeinda Bi Nabi Aain Gay ?
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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community inaugurates new Mosque in Sweden

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Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community inaugurates Mahmood Mosque in Malmo

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is pleased to announce that on 13 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad inaugurated the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden. It is the second Mosque built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the country.

After unveiling a commemorative plaque His Holiness proceeded to deliver his weekly Friday Sermon, which was broadcast live around the world on MTA International.

During his sermon, His Holiness emphasised the need for Ahmadi Muslims to fulfill the true peaceful purposes of the Mosque, while also praising the exceptional sacrifices made by members of the community.

Speaking about the objectives of Mosques, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We, Ahmadi Muslims, do not build Mosques for any materialistic gain, rather we build them solely for the worship of God and to attain His rewards. Having built this beautiful Mosque, we must not assume that we have fulfilled our obligations because in reality our duties have only just begun. We must seek to fill and populate this Mosque.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“Now that this Mosque has opened you must increase your love for one another and set shining examples of Islam’s true and peaceful teachings. Remember, that the real beauty of this Mosque lies not in its structure or design, rather it lies in the spiritual beauty of your hearts and conduct.”

The Khalifa recounted a number of examples of personal financial sacrifices made by local Ahmadi Muslims towards funding the Mahmood Mosque. Men, women and children all took part in this effort.

For example, one man sold his car, whilst some ladies donated jewellery and young children offered their pocket money. His Holiness said that all such sacrifices were made in order to gain the pleasure of God Almighty.

Regarding the location of the Mosque, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Sometimes journalists ask me why we have chosen a certain location or city for a Mosque. The truth is that neither does Malmo hold any particular significance, nor does any other location. Our only motivation is to build Mosques wherever there are Ahmadi Muslims so that they can join together to worship God Almighty.”

The Khalifa said that it was the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to invite people towards the Oneness of God and to dispel false notions about Islam.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“You must remove the fears and misunderstandings that the local people may harbour about Islam and explain to them its true peaceful teachings. The Government and people of this nation have let you build this Mosque and so in return for this favour you must always show them sympathy and seek to bring them closer to their Creator.”

Speaking about the state of the world and reminding the local Ahmadi Muslims of their responsibilities, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“It is a source of deep regret that today the most discord and conflict is found amongst Muslims. Therefore it is the responsibility of Ahmadi Muslims to become living examples of the peaceful teachings of Islam and to spread its true and beautiful message far and wide.”  

Src VIA = khalifaofislam

Everyone has the right to propagate their faith but only through peaceful means – Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad makes remarks during interview with Skansa Dagbladet newspaper in Sweden

On 11 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was interviewed by the Skansa Dagbladet newspaper at the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden.

Upon being asked about the rise of terrorism and youth radicalisation, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“I have been warning for a long time that Governments should take firm measures to root out terrorism and extremism. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community considers all forms of extremism to be completely against the teachings of Islam. The truth is that Islam is a religion of love and peace.”

Speaking about the concept of Jihad, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Of course, everyone has the right to propagate their faith but only through peaceful means. The use of the sword and force cannot be justified in this era and is completely against the teachings of Islam. The Holy Quran clearly states that there should be no compulsion in matters of religion.”

Asked if he could travel to Pakistan, His Holiness said that it would not be possible for him to conduct his duties in Pakistan because Ahmadi Muslims have been declared non-Muslim in Pakistan and are not permitted to practice their faith with any freedom.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“If I visit Pakistan what will I do? Each week Ahmadi Muslims from all around the world listen to my weekly sermon but in Pakistan I would not be permitted to deliver it. In Pakistan, I am not permitted by law to even call myself a Muslim or to lead prayers or to preach our message of Islam.”

Src Via = khalifaofislam

Reception held to mark inauguration of Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Sweden

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Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers keynote address

On 14 May 2016, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at a special reception held to mark the inauguration of the Mahmood Mosque (Mosque of the Praiseworthy) in Malmo, Sweden.

The Mosque, which is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s second Mosque in Sweden, was officially opened a day earlier when His Holiness delivered his weekly Friday Sermon.

Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo’s City Council Chairman attended the lunchtime reception.

During his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke in detail about the true purposes of a Mosque; he condemned all forms of terrorism and extremism and spoke about the humanitarian work being conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in various parts of the world.

Speaking about Mosques misused to spread extremism or to radicalise, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Any Mosque from where evil is spread does not have any place in Islam. The Quran is very clear that Mosques built with ill-intent should be knocked down.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“Some of the extremist Muslim groups have now also penetrated Europe and their members are living in these countries and posing a grave threat to the peace and well-being of this Continent. What they are doing has nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam and so all of us who desire peace must stand up and unite against these dark forces that seek to divide mankind.”

In contrast, His Holiness said that Mosques built by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were true ‘Houses of Peace’ in which people gathered together to worship God Almighty.

Referring to the Mahmood Mosque in Malmo, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“It is quite natural to fear the unknown and so the neighbours may well be concerned that the peace and security of their hometown may be disturbed now that this Mosque has been opened. However, based on the Islam that I know and follow, let me reassure you that this Mosque will prove itself to be a fountain of peace, from which only everlasting springs of love and compassion will gush forth.”

azrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

“A basic purpose of a Mosque is to serve as a place for Muslims to offer their prayers and in Arabic the word for prayer is ‘As-Salat’ which in essence means ‘compassion, love and mercy’. Consequently, a Muslim who offers his prayers with sincerity is a person who is kind, caring and merciful and he or she is a person who strives to stay away from immorality, illegal activity and all forms of evil.”

His Holiness said that Ahmadi Muslims were committed to building Mosques throughout the world and that wherever they were built they were soon welcomed by the wider society.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We have built thousands of Mosques globally and we have always seen that the fears of the local people soon eradicate when they get to know us and they come to value, appreciate and welcome us as an integral part of the society. Any initial fears quickly dissipate and instead our neighbours come to cherish our presence and the message of peace that reverberates in all directions from our Mosques.”

The Khalifa also mentioned how the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was providing a range of humanitarian services, including healthcare and education to people living in the most deprived parts of the world.

His Holiness said that all such services were provided irrespective of a person’s faith or background and also informed that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was engaged in projects aimed at providing running water to people living in destitution and poverty.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Living here in the West, where our water taps and showers are constantly flowing, it is incredibly difficult to comprehend the true value of water. It is only when you visit the most isolated parts of Africa and you see with your own eyes young children walking many kilometres each day in order to fill water basins, which they then balance on their heads and bring home, that you realise just what a precious commodity water really is.”

Regarding the teachings of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We Ahmadi Muslims believe our Founder to be the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi. Brandishing only a spiritual torch, he shined an eternal light upon Islam’s glorious and everlasting teachings.”

Concluding, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“We must make every effort to engender peace, so that we do not bequeath upon our children the gift of a broken and tormented world. Rather, we must ensure that we leave behind a legacy of a peaceful and prosperous world for our future generations to live in.”

Earlier, a range of dignitaries also addressed the audience, including a welcome address by the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Sweden, Mr Mamoon-ur-Rashid.

Chairman City Council Malmo, Kent Andersson said:

“Today is a historic day with the opening of the Mahmood Mosque here in Malmo.”

Professor Catarina Kinnvall, Lund University said:

“Your message is of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ which is the message of Ahmadiyyat is a message that you stand for in the defence of education, equality, tolerance, secular laws and religious freedom.”

The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad and later His Holiness personally met with the non-Ahmadi guests.

Src Via = khalifaofislam