Showing posts with label Persecution of Ahmadis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persecution of Ahmadis. Show all posts

Monday 9 May 2016

Press Release Annual Report 2015

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Pakistan is increasingly descending into chaos and becoming a place where members of Ahmadiyya community are increasingly marginalized. It has become very difficult for Ahmadis to live and practice their faith in peace. There is an organised campaign underway to deprive the members of community of their basic rights, such as right to worship and work or take education.  The hate mongers seem to have an extensive support network and funding to publish hate material and organised conferences and events to spew hatred. There was a significant increase in hate propaganda against the community. The government agencies responsible for implementing the laws are being manipulated by opponents of the community. Instead of upholding the law, they continue to cave into the demands of extremists.

Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan published an annual report that compiles most of the persecution related incidents that occur during that calendar year 2015. This report is not the ultimate version as many incidents go unreported.

Pakistani Urdu press has an all-important role in giving the hate mongers a platform that has a wider reach. During 2015 Pakistani Urdu press continued to publish baseless and provocative news stories. The Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan also publishes a report in Urdu that gives a glimpse into this world of hate mongering and baseless propaganda. It also gives an idea how Urdu press continues to play an important role in instigating hatred against Ahmadis. It is not possible to compile all the hate filled news stories in a single report so this is just a highlight. The issue is deeper and wider amongst Urdu press.

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Src via = Persecution of Ahmadis